URGENT: Coming offline forever at Midnight Sunday, Oct. 29...
ahead of FULL California Legalization:
In just 30 days, YOU can become the next
Dear Opportunity-Seeker,
California legalizes marijuana statewide starting Jan. 1, 2018.
According to Bloomberg, if California was its own country, it would have the 6th largest economy in the world. Bigger than France.
Every headline you’ve seen about the marijuana story so far, every profit chance you think you might’ve missed… it’s just the beginning.
It’s not too late.
IF you take action before Midnight Sunday, Oct. 29.
That’s because today I’ll show you how you could become one of those folks who get rich.
And no, you don’t need to grow it, sell it, or even smoke it to ride the pot market’s inevitable boom…
This could be your last chance for life-changing, first-stage marijuana industry profits.
That’s because…
The LA Times also calls the boom coming Jan. 1 a “bonanza.”
Forbes said high-quality, legal California marijuana could sell for $1,575 a pound, or more.
With thousands of tons set to hit store shelves in the state… billions upon billions will flow to those who know how to get a piece of this bonanza.
Yes, you’ve probably heard all this before. You know the marijuana story by now.
But what you might not know, is that if you take action before Midnight Sunday, Oct. 29…
You could rack up a huge fortune, fast, from the wealth wave causing a handful of small marijuana companies to experience what I’m calling “Penny Pot Flashes”…
In short, these flashes catapult their share prices up 25, 30, sometimes over 50 times their current price.
Just look at these amazing examples – and for reasons I’ll show you, this could be just the start:
• 1,100% gain on INCC in 21 days
• 1,666% gain on MNTR in 21 days
• 2,400% gain on NTRR in 16 days
Today I want to show you how you can use Penny Pot Flashes to achieve even larger profits.
The kind that could kick-start your retirement a decade early...
But before I do that, let me ask ...
How much money would you need to live your dream retirement?
$1 million?
Maybe $2 million?
Well, a few hits in the budding pot market could make it happen for you.
In just weeks...
And you would barely need to invest more than a few hundred dollars.
You heard me.
In less than 30 days, I can show you a way to hang up that briefcase for good...
And finally retire to the life of your dreams.
Even $100 is fine...
But $500 could yield 5 times the fortune...
It may just be the difference between making $1 million instead of $5 million. Or $2 million instead of $10 million.
The bottom line is you can reach your retirement goal quicker than you've ever imagined...
By simply identifying and timing these particular "Penny Pot Flashes."
Which I want to show you EXACTLY how to do today...
It's actually very simple – no different than buying your common, everyday stock.
So you won't need to open a special brokerage account or trade risky options...
And you don't need to be a high-level investor.
I'll show you exactly HOW to make these trades in just a moment.
But before I get there, I want to highlight...
What I'm about to show you is cheap. It's fast. It's easy.
And best of all, it's 100% legal.
So if that sounds good to you, let me show you what you need to get started.
On Tuesday, October 3, 2016 you could have picked up 25,000 shares of Cannasys Inc., a cannabis business innovator, for just $500.
It was trading at just two pennies a share… most so-called “investors” wouldn’t touch this stock…
But that’s their loss, they couldn’t recognize this “Penny Pot Flash” brewing behind the scenes…
By October 7, 2016, Cannasys Inc. traded at 48 cents. I know it’s only 48 cents…
But if you had bought in just 4 days earlier, you could have bagged a 2,300% gain…
Enough to turn your $500 to start into $12,000.
That’s over a thousand dollars a day.
Not bad for one effortless move that took, probably, less than 3 minutes.
Less than two weeks later, you could’ve hauled in a $12,000 profit.
But don’t get too excited – that $12,000 profit isn’t the endgame here…
Remember we’re setting up your dream retirement, and that’s just not going to cut it.
So let me show you how three more of these simple “Penny Pot Flashes” could have turned that $500 into over a million.
On Monday, October 19, let’s say you put that $12,000 you just made and put it back into the market…
Another tiny marijuana company, MJ Holdings Inc.., exploded off a “Penny Pot Flash” that could’ve turned your $12,000 into a quick $66,382.97 before 5:00 PM on THAT SAME DAY.
It’s only a 453% gain…
But this is how these “Penny Pot Flashes” work.
The percentage may get smaller, but the amount of actual cash gained ALWAYS gets larger.
Just look at the next trade in the chain…
On October 20, Nemus Bioscience goes on a flash from 43 cents per share to a whopping $1.80…
Over 4 times the initial price.
If you got in and out in just five days, you would’ve turned that $66,382.97 into $277,882.20.
Could you retire off that?
It’s definitely enough to buy a few nice cars.
Or a big house.
But it’s still no million dollars… so let’s keep it going.
You saw $500 can turn into $277,882.20 in 22 days… but what happens over the next 4 days is where the actual magic of these trades shines through.
On Tuesday, November 3 , shares of International Consolidated Companies took off. Soaring from .0004 to .0025 in just 4 days...
I know what you may be thinking… still less than a dollar…
But that .0025-cent share price is the cherry on top.
Turning your...
Turning "small-time investors" into marijuana millionaires in just 35 days.
on Tuesday,
Oct. 3
on Monday,
Oct. 9
on Monday,
Oct. 20
on Tuesday,
Nov. 3
With just a bit of insight into these promising, small-cap marijuana stocks…
You could use “Penny Pot Flashes” to rack up a fortune in as little as a month’s time.
I showed you how you could have started with $500 and made $1.7 million in 35 days.
But let’s be honest…
Can you expect this to happen so quickly?
Of course not. This is obviously an extraordinary example.
Gains like these aren’t common…
You need perfect timing and just the right amount of luck… and I’d never recommend rolling ALL of your profits from one play to another.
But when done just like this, these Penny Pot Flashes could make a few lucky investors very rich…
And believe it or not this series of events is on the smaller end of the gains I’ve found…
In a minute, I’ll show you how I’ve identified the best Penny Pot Flash for right now.
It could someday deliver one of the largest gains to date in the entire stock market.
But first…
I'm not sure what you would do with $1.7 million...
You could quit your job, and move wherever you want.
Or you could keep your fortune a little secret if you don't want to flaunt it... even though you could.
The bottom line is you can do whatever you want with this kind of money.
Buy a nice vacation house. Or pay off your current mortgage in full.
Buy a luxury car. Maybe even multiple. One for your wife. A few more for your grandkids.
Then you can travel the globe. Drink the finest wines.
And after all that, you can still be the rock family members need when they're in tight financial situations.
It won't even matter. You'll have so much surplus cash – you'll be glad to help.
Plus, you'll also have a nice nest egg for your retirement.
So you can spend your later years however you want.
That's if you even wait to retire...
Once these "Penny Pot Flashes" go through you could certainly retire comfortably as is.
But it's completely up to you how you'd spend this small fortune.
When you have this much money, you certainly do have one thing.
I'm talking about freedom from financial woes...
Freedom from worrying about paying your bills.
Or whatever else may happen tomorrow, next year, or next decade.
You deserve to do exactly what you want whenever you want.
And what I'm showing you today is an opportunity to do just that.
Just imagine if you could accomplish your goals and turn your dreams into reality...
Because these Penny Pot Flashes exist in the market. You've already seen a big list of real world examples... When they happen, they can make folks just like you insanely rich.
All signs show me they could click into place again.
Because the buzzing marijuana industry could soon skyrocket to 8 times its current levels... starting Jan. 1, 2018 in California.
The profit potential, in other words, is about to “go vertical.” Take a look:
Just think about what's going to happen when the floodgates open and truckloads of new, legal marijuana revenues start piling up in California.
2018 could be the biggest year yet for certain small marijuana stocks.
And we could see the largest Penny Pot Flashes to date over the next few months.
I’m talking about gains so large, you may not even need $500 to become a millionaire…
Now they won’t all be as big as the first example I showed you…
But consistency is key…
As long as you time these special market moves correctly, you could walk away with large sums of cash.
Most times you don’t even need to jump from stock to stock…
On Thursday, January 2, 2014, Zoned Properties Inc., a current marijuana real estate developer, wasn’t a very attractive buy…
But look at this run they went on in just over a month’s time…
One Penny Pot Flash later, the stock soared to $1,794 per share…
That’s an 4,297% gain…
Or enough to make a $1,000 investment mushroom into $43,970…
In record time.
Just imagine if you would have doubled your money…
That’s the raw power of these Penny Pot Flashes.
Putting just an extra few hundred dollars into one of these trades can more than double your gains.
So just imagine if you put $5,000 in…
Or even $10,000.
The profitability for these flashes can be off-the-charts amazing!
And today I'm excited to share with you precisely how to recognize these pot stocks just before they explode.
These massive gains are actually happening in the market every single day.
But most regular investors just can't find them.
That's because a lot of these can't be found on the NASDAQ or NYSE.
Some can, but they're rare.
And even when they are, you never hear about them through the news or other popular media outlets...
So you are never going to see these Penny Pot Flashes on TV or in the paper... except for maybe after the big gains have already been had.
They'd rather pitch you on blue chip stocks and other big companies AFTER they've lit up with gains.
Don't get me wrong, you can still make money on larger stocks...
But it's a much slower game.
It might take you 50 years to make a million.
If slow, tedious growth is your goal, be my guest.
Personally, I'd rather go after the quick, aggressive gains these Penny Pot Flashes offer.
Which are happening every single day in the market...
So every penny spent elsewhere just wastes the daily opportunity for the best gains.
Now let me ask you...
Thanks to a once-in-a-lifetime event we're witnessing play out RIGHT NOW...
These Penny Pot Flashes could bring you a dime-bagger return...
All your worries would go up in smoke...
And your life would be SO much easier...
So no more frustration when you wake up in the morning...
Absolutely dreading that office you're about to drive to...
Packing your briefcase thinking of all the better things you could be doing with your life.
Instead, you can actually make those better things happen.
So far all of these Penny Pot Flashes have come solely from penny pot stocks.
Just like they sound, these marijuana stocks are often incredibly small...
And because legal marijuana is a brand-new, untapped market, they're even smaller than your average penny stocks.
I'm talking really, really SMALL.
Which can sometimes mean they're more risky.
But here's the thing...
Some of these tiny companies are the next Pfizer, AbbVie, Molson Coors, or Phillip Morris of the future.
Often, people forget that these huge, household stocks had to start somewhere...
Pfizer didn't always trade at $31...
Nor did Molson Coors...
But through a series of similar moves, these companies turned themselves into the empire-makers they are today.
Now you'll never see the little stocks that trade at this low of a price on CNBC, CNN, or any other big media outlet.
They tell you these stocks are risky and you just should just play it safe.
They want you to buy the big names instead.
Just look at this...
But most people forget Abbot Laboratories traded at 49 cents.
Lowe's traded at 78 cents.
And Johnson & Johnson traded at just $1.50...
So what the heck?
Let's ask the lame-duck media...
Where were the buy recommendations back then?
Why do we only hear about them now – after the biggest gains have been made...
After these stocks are trading at all-time highs?
It's simple.
These so-called "financial experts" in the news and on TV aren't in the business of making YOU money.
They just want to make themselves money.
So how do they do that?
Some of these big companies pay the media top dollar to talk up their stock just so YOU go and buy it.
Meanwhile, they don't give a squat what happens to you.
Then because these small companies can't pay big ad fees, they tell you how "risky" these penny stocks are...
But I want you to understand...
I just showed you 3 of the leading stocks of today – and ALL were considered penny stocks at one point.
So if you're up for it, you can begin chasing these massive gainers today...
Because this exact same phenomenon happens every day with these "off-the-radar" marijuana stocks.
In fact, right now I want to send you an exclusive trading alert.
It details what could be the largest Penny Pot Flash quickly brewing in the market.
Including the stock ticker and exactly when to buy...
And I'll be clear – this opportunity could light up at any moment. You do not want to be late to this party.
Which is why you need this alert so you can claim your Penny Pot Profits and kick-start your years-early retirement.
I'll go into more detail on this email in just a minute.
But before I tell you all about how I identify and capitalize on these kinds of penny pot stocks, I should point out a few things.
Penny pot stocks sometimes trade just a few thousands of shares every day.
Now compare that to the giants on the NASDAQ and NYSE...
Pfizer, for example, trades around 30 million shares per day...
Same with Microsoft...
And Apple...
When a company trades this much on a daily basis, the share price stays relatively stable.
It would take a HUGE amount of volume to drive the stock way up.
But with these penny pot stocks, if their trading volume gets anywhere near these big companies, their share price goes all over the place.
Up and down.
But oftentimes, when we have just a bit of insight we can capture big gains on these volume shifts.
Just look:
Investors could've hauled in 18 times their money on a BTFL Penny Pot Flash...
23 times their money on CBDS...
Or even 137 times their money on ACCA...
As you see, these Pot Penny Flashes can deliver you huge gains in just a couple days.
I want to show you exactly when to take a puff on
these plays...
I want to show you exactly when to pass these plays...
So you can get rich on Penny Pot Flashes today.
In order to do so, one of the first things we need to do is disqualify the losers...
Let's be honest, there are TONS of these tiny pot companies.
A lot of them just don't have the potential to become the blockbuster stocks of tomorrow.
It's often difficult to notice...
But once you've seen enough of these companies from a 30,000-foot view like I have...
You notice some trends that make it very simple.
I'll spare you the details on the deep analysis and indicators I use to weed through these stocks.
But the bottom line is...
To cash in on these Penny Pot Flashes, you need to spend hours upon hours sorting through all of these stocks individually.
And find out everything there is to know.
Profit margins...
Potential for growth...
This is precisely what I do...
Every single day I sift through all of these penny pot stocks searching for the next Penny Pot Flashes – companies with low costs, big profits, and huge potential growth. Today I'll share all this information with you.
I'm going to tell you exactly which Penny Pot stock to buy today. And when the time is right I'll tell you exactly when to sell.
Using my recommendations, you could profit like crazy from these Penny Pot Flashes.
Using my recommendations, you could profit like crazy from these Penny Pot Flashes.
I break these potential Penny Pot Flashes down step by step, showing you exactly how they can put your retirement into overdrive.
These little stocks can mint you a Marijuana Millionaire in less than a month. You've seen the proof.
It's ulous how quickly these flashes can take you from zero to one hundred.
Just look at another BIG Penny Pot Flash that happened in the market recently…
On January 6, 2014, increases in trading volume sent Novus Acquisition & Development Corp soaring 14,700%…
That’s enough to turn a small, $1,000 investment into $147,000.
And this happened in relatively quick timespan…
Imagine that… making more money than most people make in a year...
Without having to do anything really
That could change your life quick, couldn’t it?
That’s the power of these Penny Pot Flashes.
And that was only a single trade.
Of course we’re most likely not going to make $147,000 that quickly. That would require impeccable luck.
But imagine if we found other profitable trades to roll our gains in and out of...
Because these flashes are happening in the market.
Time after time.
Every day!
So I hope you're ready to find out how to claim a stake in these huge gains.
Because it's so cheap to get started, as I've demonstrated...
Anyone who misses out on these Penny Pot Flashes is going to regret it.
It's the same thing as missing the tech explosion of the '90s.
Where you could have snatched up Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Apple – all for pennies on the dollar.
Nobody in their right mind would willingly ignore an opportunity to do this...
So why isn't everyone buying these little pot stocks?
Well, there's two main reasons.
I've already told you that a lot of these penny pot stocks are hard to find, and most regular investors simply don't know about them.
But the ones that do know about them are often afraid of them.
Well it all comes down to people fearing strikeouts, when really they should just concentrate on hitting home runs.
Let me show you what I mean...
Famous baseball star Hank Aaron hit 755 home runs during his illustrious 23-year career.
But guess how many times he struck out? 1,383 times.
That's almost two strikeouts for every single home run.
For every major success, he averaged two failures.
Still, he's regarded as one of the best players to ever step foot on the diamond.
This is pretty much the exact same way these small marijuana stocks work.
There will be strikeouts. Even the best investors get it wrong occasionally.
You just shouldn't ever risk any money you need to eat, live, or pay the bills.
But when a measly $500 could kick-start your luxury retirement, what are you really risking?
When you knock these Pot Penny Flashes out of the park, they far offset losses. Many, many times over.
Sure, you need to target precise penny pot stocks to turn a few hundred into millions.
And you need to have perfect timing too.
That's why it's my job to alert you about these Penny Pot Flashes.
The second I notice one building up in the market I let you know. And from there, it's my goal to show you how to make a huge gain in a very short time frame.
After all, isn't that what we're after here?
And how much you can make is really up to you.
I've shown you there's marijuana money out there. You just need to know exactly how to haul it in.
Let me show you another example of the kind of money I'm talking about...
And this could be the biggest one yet.
$1.7 million in 35 days
$87,000 on a single stock in just 49 days
$147,000 on just one trade…
If you liked those gains – this one is going to really knock you out. It's just another HUGE gain you could rake in from a certain Penny Pot Flash.
On December 31, 2013 – shares of Cannabis Sativa Corp began a massive run… going up a massive 2,300% in just weeks.
2,300% would have turned $500 in $12,000.
Over 22 times your money, quickly and easily…
But we aren’t finished there…
If you waited just a few days…
And THEN rolled that same cash into Novus Acquisition & Development Corp on January 22, right before their massive 19,860% move.
You would be sitting on $2,395,200…
From your initial $500 investment, that’s a 439,900% gain.
Over $2.3 million richer – all thanks to two massive Penny Pot Flashes.
Did it happen?
Absolutely. (Look it up for yourself after reading this letter and you’ll see I’m NOT making any of this up!)
Could you expect a 439,900% gain?
Probably not. But the fact is...
I honestly wouldn't even believe a gain that big existed if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes...
And for such a huge reward, there's very limited risk when you invest this way...
Other than what you're willing to risk of course.
The way I'll recommend these trades is safe, easy and cheap.
You just need to get into the right stocks at the right time and you can be well on your way to huge profits.
I'll tell you all about how to get started today.
But before I show you how to get my next Penny Pot Alert, I should introduce myself.
My name, by the way, is Ray Blanco...
And you could say that I'm the "go-to" expert on pot investing...
Over 100,000 readers turn to me each and every month to guide them to the biggest fortunes in the pot markets... the pot biotech markets... and the tech industry in general.
Just this year, my readers have had the chance to bag several triple-digit gains.
And I don't mean to say any of this to brag to you...
I just hope you understand...
See, when something big's going on in the pot markets, I'm often the ones the industry experts call on...
For example, right after the election last November, one of my contacts invited me to visit his latest grow operation...
It's a giant warehouse on the West Coast, where pot was just recently legalized.
Now, I can't name names...
But his company could become THE largest provider of legal cannabis in the United States.
The growth potential is huge. And the market is at its budding stages – where the biggest gains are made!
When I visited, I was standing in an empty warehouse...
There were no plants... no employees... and no machinery.
But that's changing quickly...
Just weeks later...
The same warehouse was bursting at the seams with state-of-the-art grow technology and employees cultivating a full-scale harvest.
Their profits could spike to an unthinkable number.
Penny Pot Flashes are causing businesses, just like this one, to go from zero to one hundred so fast.
Turning these small companies into huge corporations quicker than ever.
And I'm determined to sift through all of these pot penny stocks...
Finding every single huge gain right before the jump.
But that requires a lot of market analysis...
A lot of number crunching...
And quite frankly, a whole lot of time...
That, my new friend, brings me to a huge first-ever announcement you need to know about...
If you know anything about investment banks or hedge funds, all these Wall Street guys are essentially huge cheaters...
They have these computers that do all the work for them.
It's like trading on autopilot. And everyone's doing it...
JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America... You name it.
Now sure, these computers can help you lazily bring in a 10-15% annual return.
But look, that's just not enough...
And I've shown you...
These small marijuana stocks can surely deliver more.
So my team and I have worked night and day to develop our very own proprietary technology...
What I believe is the world's only supercomputer dedicated to crunching the numbers on pot companies day in and day out.
Let me explain a little about how it works...
It starts with one of the most complex market equations I've ever seen...
So I'll save you a rundown on exactly how it works...
Let's just say it zooms in on key technical indicators.
Those that are proven precursors to Penny Pot Flashes.
It cross-references these indicators...
Builds models according to past Penny Pot Flashes...
And finally it scans through every single publicly traded penny pot stock on the market.
Vetting each rigorously...
That's 9,633,600 calculations a month...
And from those calculations, I boil it all down to a handful of Penny Pot Flashes.
Remember, based on past examples, these gains could be upward of 2,300% in just 4 days.
So a single buy signal could make you over 23 times your money in less than a day…
Not every gain I recommend will be this high, but this strategy could be your best chance at market-beating gains from penny pot stocks.
I hope you understand this proprietary technology is extremely valuable.
The intellectual rights to it alone could be worth well over a quarter million dollars.
Just to ensure its safety, we keep it offsite...
In a secure facility in Northern Virginia...
Close to U.S. intelligence headquarters...
And every time the system signals a buy, I'm alerted instantly...
Which is precisely why I am coming to you with this urgent message today.
I want to relay a Penny Pot Alert to you today.
It details the latest companies that are next in line to take off...
All signs are pointing to huge profits on these plays... and it could happen as soon as tomorrow.
Inside this alert, I'll detail everything there is to know about these Penny Pot Flashes.
Including the names of the companies, the stock tickers, and exactly when and how much to buy... in just a moment.
But first...
I told you earlier... I just can't recommend these Penny Pot Alerts to all my readers.
These stocks are WAY too small.
If too many people trade these little pot stocks they become even more volatile...
Which would tick off my loyal readers...
But that doesn't mean YOU can't capitalize on today's penny pot plays...
It just means I can only offer my research to a few people in total.
So today I'd like to extend a very personal invitation to you to become one of the select few...
I want you to become a member of the world's most unique special situations letter... BEFORE the giant cannabis boom in California starting Jan. 1.
It's called Penny Pot Profits.
But before I get into it what it's all about, I should warn you...
You might hate this research service.
If you're the type of person that's NEVER taken a risk in your life...
If you've NEVER gone after what you really wanted...
And you've ALWAYS played it safe...
I don't want you to even waste your time reading the rest of this...
Because what I'm doing here is showing you how to make big money on small, sometimes microscopic companies...
In extremely fast time frames...
You aren't in it for the long run.
And I know that may scare some investors.
So if you'd rather listen to the "gurus" on CNBC...
Or take stock advice from Yahoo, be my guest.
Go now. Close this page. Don't come back.
But if you want to get rich – just listen to what I have to say...
Fact is...
Penny Pot Profits is the world's premier publication when it comes to buying in and trading out of small marijuana stocks.
It all works by using my proprietary supercomputing system to identify buy signals...
From there, I use my knowledge to narrow these signals down to the very best prospects.
Which I will then URGENTLY relay to you...
Both in text message AND in email...
Letting you know that a Penny Pot Flash is in the making.
And I can assure you, you will NOT find these Penny Pot Alerts anywhere else.
As far as I know, this publication is the only dedicated marijuana investing research advisory of its kind.
My team and I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars...
And countless hours developing our strategy just so we could get it into your hands.
So today I'm looking for a very specific type of reader to hop on board.
You don't need to know a lot about the stock market.
And you don't need a lot of money.
So if you don't get out of bed for 5% gains...
10% gains...
Even 20% or 30% gains...
Penny Pot Profits doesn't settle for measly gains.
We're on the hunt for marijuana stocks with limitless potential for lightning-fast growth.
Stocks that could trade at a penny today...
And a dollar tomorrow.
Changing your life as an investor.
Because these trades can be so timely and urgent, I'm even going to send a text message directly to your phone.
In these text alerts, I'll tell you exactly what to do.
But I won't stop there...
You'll get a clear indication of how much of a portfolio could be put into each play.
That way you will never have to worry about over- or underdoing it.
I'll tell you more about this unique allocation model in just a moment.
And listen closely – you're going to love the clarity and simplicity of these alerts.
Because your fast action today secures you a whole ton of bonuses and benefits...
Here's something else I want to give you with your subscription, and you surely won't get this anywhere else...
I've essentially created my own "temperature gauge" for these pot stocks.
It's similar to the S&P 500, but instead of following large cap companies, it tracks the most promising penny pot stocks we've found using our proprietary strategy.
Then it puts them into this easy-to-follow chart so you can see where the market is going.
You can access it digitally any time you want, and I'm also going to manually add live updates in real time.
Take a look:
Think of it as your personal red light, green light so you can easily follow along with what's happening.
It's the best visual guide you can use to understand the movement in the pot market.
And, I'm also going to give you an exclusive guide showing you exactly how to use it...
It's called...
It's all laid out for you today in plain, jargon-free English.
Here's one more thing you won't find anywhere else...
The increasing boom in the cannabis market has created an interesting loophole to collect big, steady gains on certain dates.
And here's the thing – it may be the most consistent way to get paid through marijuana stocks.
I've circled 30 very specific dates on this calendar where these little stocks could soar...
Imagine being able to look at this calendar... and immediately know the biggest payout dates in the pot market.
Check it out...
Each one is a unique catalyst that could drive up share prices drastically for these penny pot stocks...
And I want to show you all of them...
It's the perfect move to complement the Penny Pot Flashes.
And these two bonuses are not the only thing that you get when you subscribe to Penny Pot Profits.
Now, this is something very unique. And I'll be explicitly clear about this...
I can't make any promises on this one.
But with a groundbreaking publication like this one, I want to do everything I can to make this a one-of-a-kind experience.
So earlier I told you all about all of the research I've done in the marijuana industry...
I've scoured the internet for the smallest opportunities and most unique businesses.
And I want to take this opportunity to open up this research to you...
I told you about the warehouse I went to visit on the West Coast...
What you don't realize is a ton of these small marijuana companies, no matter how promising, still haven't even gone public yet.
And to the untrained eye this may look like a closed opportunity to investors...
But I have a solution to get around this...
Every once in a while, there may be a special opportunity to invest in these private companies.
And take home the lion's share.
I'm going to keep my ear to the ground just in case the chance arises...
You will be THE very first to know.
Oftentimes, investing before these small pot stocks IPO is when investors can bag the grand slams.
So I'm going to do everything I can to keep you alerted...
And there's more amazing benefits you'll receive when you subscribe today...
That's why today I also want to send you:
With all this rapid growth in the legal marijuana market, I'm considering hosting a conference of my own. I want to put together all of the world's penny pot stock professionals into the same room... including my team and several professionals in my Rolodex. When you join today, I will automatically put you on a priority list for a ticket when and if this comes to fruition.
We just saw the number of legal marijuana states double... With all the new talk in the rumor mill, we could see that number double again... and again. On a state-by-state basis, we are sure to see some unique opportunities to profit. But you need to beat the common investor to it... So I'm going to keep track of ALL legalization news and rumors and give it to you in an easy-to-decipher format. So you can collect gains as soon as the big news hits.
And, of course, as a subscriber to Penny Pot Profits, you'll be instantly alerted to any buy and sell plays that my supercomputer helps me lock onto...
We'll be targeting 2-3 plays PER MONTH.
That's more than 24 different opportunities to profit each and every year...
24 different times to kick-start your own Monthly Marijuana Millionaire story...
As soon as it's time, I'll send you an urgent BUY alert via email...
And, of course, I'll also text message you the instructions, too. That way you'll know it's time to act no matter if you're on a boat... golf course... or at work.
I just want you to understand exactly how serious I am about showing you how to make money...
Which explains why this information I'm giving you is not cheap...
When we're dealing with such small stocks, I just can't be giving this information out to everyone – as I've already told you.
So if I set a low price tag on my service, everyone would buy it.
It devalues the information...
And the next thing you know, all of these little stocks would shoot up.
I'd have a ton of mad readers who couldn't get in.
I don't want tons of mad readers...
I'd rather have a few very, very happy (and serious!) readers.
With that in mind, I'm keeping distribution of Penny Pot Profits as small as possible, and ultimately protected from the masses.
That's why I have to keep my prices high...
The published price of one year of Penny Pot Profits will soon cost you $3,000.
Now considering how much money I've shown you there is to make using Penny Pot Flashes...
Sometimes up to a million or more with just a few hundred invested...
Think about it. Even if you don't land the big winner and take home a million.
What if you took in just 1/100th of that gain?
You'd still wind up with $10,000...
You could pay for 3 subscriptions with that...
And I won't stop there.
Just imagine if you put $500 into one of these penny pot stocks...
We'll say it trades at 2 cents...
If that thing goes up to a measly 20 cents – you've already made $5,000...
That's just a move of two dimes. Stocks move up and down that much all the time...
Even better – what if it went up to a dollar?
The point is these stocks are very exciting and with just a little move, you stand to make a whole bunch.
When that much money is on the line, $3,000 doesn't sound so bad. Does it?
And that's before factoring in all the costs of my research, assistants, and most importantly, my proprietary system...
I haven't even mentioned my personalized customer service team.
In total, my publisher has earmarked more than $250,000 just to bring this research to you today.
But, for a short time only we're willing to give you the absolute best deal you will ever see on this service...
First allow me to recap:
When you sign up for Penny Pot Profits today... you'll receive:
I'm going to email you all the details on the immediate Penny Pot Flashes the second you sign up. Each includes the name of the company, the stock ticker, and exactly when to buy. I don't want you to wait. Because every day that goes by could slash your gains. It's best to hop in ASAP.
Each month my proprietary system makes over 9 million calculations. And I am going to take that and narrow it down to just 2 or 3 penny pot stocks to recommend to you each month. And because these kinds of stocks can be volatile, I'll always recommend a buy-up-to price so you know not to chase these opportunities all over the market. This will give you the best possible chance to cash in on a massive Penny Pot Flash this year. With 24 to 36 TOTAL opportunities.
from our local Baltimore reps – call any time Monday thru Friday, 9AM-5PM EST, with any questions and they will be thoroughly answered.
a priority for the Penny Pot Investors Conference... My Legalizations Tracker, and of course my utmost expert research advisory...
Now here's where it gets even better...
I want to make this a very easy decision for you...
I told you earlier that we're witnessing a once-in-a-lifetime situation play out before us...
This is causing a whole market to grow like weeds...
A market that's eventually expected to be a $50 billion industry!
That's creating a once-in-a-lifetime PROFIT situation for us...
And I want to make sure you've got a puff at everything.
So I'm doing something you've NEVER seen before...
While the rest of the newsletter market will sell you a service for $3,000 a year... and then try to renew you each and every year for thousands of dollars...
I'M NOT asking you to do that today.
I'm giving you a once-in-a-lifetime offer that sets you up to potentially profit from this once-in-a-lifetime situation...
Here's how it'll work...
When you subscribe to Penny Pot Profits before this once-in-a-lifetime offer disappears forever at Midnight Sunday, October 29, you'll get FOREVER access to this publication.
You START getting it today.
We'll STOP publishing when all 50 states vote to legalize marijuana.
Because by that time the industry will be huge... and the profits will have faded away like a smoke ring...
Just click the link below to claim your "forever" spot today!
And before I forget...
There is one more very small, but VERY important thing I need to tell you....
It's actually one final thing I want to give you.
The minute you sign up for Penny Pot Profits I'm going to ship you a very special envelope...
It'll be very discreet – coming in a 9 x 12 tan envelope.
And what's inside is ANYTHING but normal...
It's the one thing that EVERY pot stock trader just needs to have...
What you'll find could be the difference between making money... and losing money...
With the exact same buys and sells...
On these trades.
And I recommend you DO NOT buy or sell a single pot stock until you open that envelope and use what's inside.
I hope you'll understand that once I mail this package, I just can't accept any refunds on this offer.
I'll say it again – because of the urgency of this situation you will not be able to claim a refund on this offer.
It's the only way I can assure that I'm attracting the serious market watchers...
The ones who want to be protected and are able to capitalize on these gains to the fullest.
So to get this next Penny Pot Alert, you need to act very quickly...
I hope it makes sense.
I can't just be accepting too many new subscribers...
So I have to limit it to just 250 spots per day.
In other words, only 1 in every 4,000 readers seeing this message can have access to this Penny Pot Alert.
Now I don't want to pressure you into making a quick decision.
Rather I'm just trying to keep you from missing out on a life-changing opportunity...
It could mean the difference between retiring very rich in just a few weeks...
Or working until you just physically can't.
So now it's time for you to make a decision...
And remember this could be one of the most important decisions you'll ever make.
The way I see it, you have three options.
You do absolutely nothing...
Even after all the evidence I've shown you today...
You know about the marijuana industry and its inevitable boom.
You know about these Penny Pot Flashes.
But you could choose to ignore this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and watch as others get rich around you...
You can take what you've learned today and go at it alone...
And good for you.
At least you're in the right market to make a fortune. But by god, it's going to chew up a lot of your time...
You can sift through the 1,000s of data points on all these penny pot plays...
You can spend the countless hours separating the good from the bad...
And you can try to time your own buy and sell signals, risking everything on a whim.
Or, you can take the final option...
Take one tiny action today...
And it could have one of the greatest possible impacts on your life.
All you need to do is click the "Subscribe Now" button right now.
Let me do all the hard work for you. (That's what you're paying me for, after all!)
You can jump in on your very first Penny Pot Alert.
Then you can sit back, relax, as I hunt down and deliver you 24–36 other opportunities to make a fortune off small pot companies with huge potential for growth.
The fact is...
These tiny penny stocks are going to change somebody's life. I'm sure of that.
Why shouldn't it be yours?
I've shown you what can happen in just a day or two.
But... the stocks detailed in my Penny Pot Alert could take off at any time...
So you do not want to get caught sitting on the fence debating...
Come Midnight Sunday, October 29 this offer comes offline forever.
I want all my readers to learn how to be well in position BEFORE California legalization and the $7 billion wealth opportunity it means come online on Jan. 1.
Simply click the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" button below to get started.
I'm looking forward to showing you the tremendous wealth opportunities ahead...
Ray Blanco
Founder, Penny Pot Profits
October 2017
(You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final)
P.S. I almost forgot to mention...
Fact is, when it comes to building substantial wealth, what's even more important than the stocks you pick, is how you allocate them.
That's why I've gone a step further with this new service...
And am hand-delivering you specific ALLOCATIONS on what quantities to buy of all these pot stocks.
Starting with your very first Penny Pot Flash plays I'll send you today...
You'll know WHAT TO BUY...
This is a true professional allocation model.
Whether you have an account worth $10,000 or $100,000, this allocated model makes getting started as SAFE and GUESS-FREE as possible.
There's no guessing.
There's no confusion.
And no room for error.
It's a comprehensive plan from start to finish.
To be clear, this is not personalized investment advice. It's just an example of how you could allocate a portfolio with these plays.
So act fast... be one of the first 250 people... and click the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" link below.
You'll be taken to a page where you'll be able to review all the terms of this offer – including your "forever" access to this wealth-building tool.
The next step is yours. I can't take it for you... remember, at Midnight Sunday, October 29, this disappears forever.
You will never have a better moment to get started than right now.
Act now. Click the link below.
(You Can Review Your Order Before it's Final)