Blockchain Supernova

Don’t waste your time with Bitcoin. The big money has already been made!

Fact is, we’re moments away from the biggest technology breakthrough since the birth of the internet… and early investors could have already banked $98,187
for every $250 invested.

May 5, 2018, Kicks Off the GREAT


“The blockchain is the new Google…”
- Crunch Network

“Blockchain could revolutionize the world economy.”
- Tech Author Don Tapscott

“Blockchains could add TRILLIONS of dollars to the global economy.”
- Huffington Post

Dear Reader…

Once — maybe twice — in your life, you get a chance to invest in something that changes the world… just before it does.

This could be one of those times.

I’m not talking about Bitcoin…

Or Ethereum. Or Litecoin. Or Ripple…

Or any of the other cryptocurrencies that became famous overnight in 2017.

The REAL crypto boom has nothing to do with coins…

The bigger story — the true global game-changer — is the technology behind Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency revolution…

Blockchain .

Maybe you’ve only heard whispers about blockchain technology… much like when the internet first exploded on the scene back in the mid-1990s.

So in just a minute, I’ll fill you in on why it’s been dubbed “the most important invention of the last 500 years.”

…and why industry insiders are claiming that this technology will not only “revolutionize traditional banking”… but that it will revolutionize the ENTIRE WORLD ECONOMY.

But first, I want to show you how much money could be at stake for investors who get in before May 5.

You see, over the next few months, blockchain technology could be adopted by pretty much every industry you can think of.

Banking… cybersecurity… education… car and real estate sales… stock trading… even voting.

Think of how the internet changed our lives… and now magnify those changes tenfold.

It’s the same idea: New tech is going to replace old, all across the globe — at the flick of a switch.

This could hand early investors the chance to make a fortune in 2018.

This is a crypto play, after all…

That’s why I’m coming to you today with this… specifically to tell you about four small, little-known blockchain stock opportunities currently listed for pennies a share.

But beginning as soon as May 5, I fully anticipate these “penny blockchain stocks” to skyrocket in value…

Anything blockchain related — even remotely
— is getting flooded with cash as
soon as word gets out

In the second half of 2017 alone…

  • Longfin Corp. jumped +2,600% in 4 days…
  • 360 Blockchain shot up +200% in 6 days…
  • Riot Blockchain rocketed +109% in 3 days…
  • On-line Blockchain soared +238% in a SINGLE MORNING…

Have you ever heard of anything like it?

In December, for example, Hong Kong-based UBI Blockchain surged an unbelievable 900%!

Even though most of these firms aren’t TRUE blockchain companies, they’ve surged on speculation alone!

This is NOT a slow-burning story.

It’s more like setting fire to magnesium ribbon. Blockchain stocks look poised to take off fast and burn bright — just like Bitcoin did last year.

And I fully anticipate that beginning May 5… these gains will look like chump change.

And when the sun sets on 2018… you could have 10… maybe even FIFTEEN times more money in your bank account than you have right now

Provided you pay attention to what I’m about to tell you… and invest BEFORE this becomes a mainstream phenomenon.

Like I say — this is moving fast. Some of the largest companies in the world have already gotten onto the front foot of the inevitable “blockchain technology revolution.”

  • IBM began the Open Ledger Project back in 2015… to promote blockchain solutions for enterprises such as Accenture and JPMorgan Chase…
  • is building a blockchain-enabled platform that will act as a global property registry for an estimated 5 billion people worldwide…

Others companies are — right now — frantically searching for ways to adopt blockchain technology into their business model.

Especially banks and financial services companies.

They watched Bitcoin’s rise last year with extreme trepidation…

See, blockchain showed that digital currency could work without them.

Now the banks are freaking out… throwing money out left, right and center… desperate to create their own “blockchain plan.”

Check this out:

  • Bank of America and HSBC — two of America’s largest banks — are part of a banking consortium that just invested $107 million in blockchain start-ups…
  • Wells Fargo and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia recently executed the first-ever cross-border transaction utilizing blockchain applications…
  • American Express is testing blockchain technology for processing payments…
  • Deutsche Bank is trialing a corporate-bond platform that uses smart contracts (another blockchain application) to issue and redeem bonds…

In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a major bank that is NOT developing blockchain technology right now.

Already, over $1.4 billion has been invested trying to figure the blockchain out

That’s a colossal amount of money…

Banks are taking the blockchain threat very seriously.

This alone should pique your interest…

If not, let me spell it out again for you.

In my view…

This is a golden, and URGENT, investment opportunity…

One that could see you make 10… or even FIFTEEN times your money this year…

Starting with four small “blockchain
bonanza” investments you can make
as soon as today

Like I mentioned, the “blockchain revolution” won’t just affect banks.

Government… the stock market… pharmaceutical companies… real estate agents… insurers — they all face an uncertain future thanks to blockchain technology.


In a nutshell, blockchain connects people to people — directly.

It’s safe, reliable, incorruptible. Virtually unhackable.

Bottom line: In a blockchain system, if you want to transact safely with someone else, you no longer need a third party to facilitate or settle the transaction .

This could spell the end for scores of established business models… unless they change — urgently.

According to Forbes contributor Alex Bessonov, with blockchain,

there’s no need for banks… the financial services industry is poised for a major shakeup.”

And Crunch Network reports that

“the blockchain cannot be described just as a revolution. It’s a tsunami-like phenomenon… enveloping everything along its way by the force of its progression.”

Simply put…

We’re talking about the FOURTH
it looks set to happen this year

Revolutions happen fast in business.

Remember how Blockbuster vanished into thin air soon after Netflix and Apple TV were launched?

…Or how Nokia disappeared off the face of the earth after the iPhone came out?

These companies sank because their business model depended on the continued use of old technology.

For whatever crazy reason, they stuck with it… while most of their customers were adopting NEW technology.

Once this new tech passed a tipping point, Blockbuster and Nokia went into freefall.

Nokia lost BILLIONS in annual sales revenue between 2007 and 2014.

Its stock price dropped by 80% over the same time frame.

Blockbuster, you may remember, went out of business in 2013.

Its stock price had fallen from a peak of $29.41 in 2002…

…to ONE CENT by the time it filed for bankruptcy.

This is what happens when you stick with your existing business model during a time of overwhelming technological change.

As you can imagine, the prospect of becoming completely irrelevant scares the hell out of banks, real estate agents, Wall Street… and more. Folks that have had it SO good… for SO long.

It’s beginning to dawn on them…

If they don’t become “blockchain enabled” fast, they could vanish within 2–3 years

You might think that sounds dramatic.

But also consider KmartSearsRadio ShackToys “R” Us… and more…

…These so-called “iconic” retailers were quickly dumped on their backsides by the online shopping revolution.

They were slow to realize:

If you fail to take this kind of threat seriously…

Or you don’t respond quickly enough…

You’re toast.

But what, exactly, IS the threat?

A weapon of mass disruption

The Economist calls the blockchain:

…a piece of innovation on a par with the internet itself.”

You may know blockchain as the technology behind Bitcoin.

It’s also known as a type of “distributed ledger.”

Here’s a simple explanation.

You and I have to deal with big organizations all the time.

Banks… government agencies… real estate businesses… insurance agents… and more.

We use them when we need to get stuff done:

Pay bills… buy or rent somewhere to live… make an insurance claim… use the internet… file our taxes… and more.

These organizations are facilitators.

They help us make transactions.

We trust them. But…

The blockchain makes them irrelevant

Say you want to send money to someone overseas.

Right now, you have to go to your bank (or perhaps Western Union)… which has all your details (not to mention your money).

Your bank then goes through another intermediary — called Swift — which contacts a third party: the overseas bank.

They set the rate for the international money transfer.

Swift takes its cut. Your bank takes its cut. The overseas bank takes its cut.

After all that, the money you wanted to send overseas has had a great big chunk taken out of it.

And your overseas relative… or business contact… has to wait up to five business days to get their hands on whatever’s left.

As I said, this entire process is based on trust.

You have to trust your bank… you have to trust Swift… and you have to trust the overseas bank… to complete the transfer securely, quickly and without ripping you off (yeah, right!).

How does blockchain improve this?

By cutting out the intermediaries — the “middlemen.”

If you use blockchain tech, you can transfer digital currency directly to your overseas contact.

It’s quicker… more secure… and much cheaper.

You don’t have to go through a “middleman” — or share your personal data with any third party.

Your transaction is submitted to the blockchain.

Blockchain is a public and distributed ledger.

It sits on tens of thousands of computers all over the world.

But even though the blockchain is public, the specific details of your money transfer… your details… and privacy… are protected by virtually unhackable cryptography.

The computers on the ledger kick into action to verify the transaction.

As soon as they do, a new “block” is created and added to the chain.

The verification takes about an hour. Then your contact can have their cash.

This “block” is kind of like a digital fingerprint.

It is set in stone
It cannot be hacked
It cannot be changed

Like I said, the blockchain is publicly available. It’s not situated on a privately held database that’s controlled by any one entity.

That’s a good thing.

It means it’s transparent. Anyone can see it. No one can tinker with it for their own purposes.

Each verified transaction is built into the chain and becomes a matter of public record. No transactions can be altered.

If you wanted to alter it, you’d have to:

  1. Crack the cryptography that protects the transaction…
  2. Hack into thousands of computers on the blockchain… at the exact same time.
  3. Rewrite the entire chain… and re-encrypt it.

All without being spotted.

Virtually impossible.

Just in the banking industry alone, this changes everything.

Data analysts CB Insights say that blockchain tech could cut up to $20 billion of middleman costs.

That would hit bank profits really, really hard.

It could even remove the need for Swift (now desperately trying to adopt blockchain tech in its business… because it sees the writing on the wall).

But banking is just the beginning

Entire industries that rely on centralized databases, and the trust of their customers,
are in danger of becoming OBSOLETE

The blockchain could make centralized databases a thing of the past.

So-called “trust” organizations would no longer be necessary.

Bitcoin’s success has shown the world it is possible for strangers to exchange value with no need for an intermediary.

And it can be done in a completely transparent, verifiable and open way.

But Bitcoin is just one use for blockchain technology.

Bloomberg says:

“ Blockchain — the technology used for verifying and recording transactions that’s at the heart of Bitcoin — is seen as having the potential to reshape the global financial system…”

Don Tapscott, one of the world’s leading authorities on the impact of technology on business and society, says:

“The implications are staggering, not just for the financial-services industry, but also right across virtually every aspect of society.”

Friend, I imagine that, very soon, you’ll be able to:

  • Bank on the blockchain…
  • Buy and sell real estate on the blockchain…
  • Rent a home or car on the blockchain…
  • Vote on the blockchain…
  • Get your power from the blockchain…
  • Insure your house… car… and belongings on the blockchain…

I’m telling you: Companies that make up more than two-thirds of the global market could be in big trouble

You wait and see…

Scores of “blockchain superstars” could
emerge over the coming months…

…to disrupt every single major industry.

They are tiny start-ups today.

…stocks that trade for just pennies per share!

Like 360 Blockchain (BKLLF), which trades for 14 cents per share…

DigitalX Ltd. (DGGXF), which trades for 24 cents per share…

BTCS Inc. (BTCS), which you can buy right now for just 9 cents per share…

And many, many others.

And I fully anticipate these “penny blockchain stocks” to begin soaring in value as the story goes mainstream.

They could easily become the Googles (up around 22,000% since IPO)…

Facebooks (366% gain since IPO)…

And Shopifys (+500% gain since IPO)… of tomorrow.

Many of these new businesses could spring up — and thrive — thanks to two things:

  1. More than half a billion dollars (and counting) in corporate investment into blockchain tech…
  2. Growing worldwide government support for the great “blockchain revolution”…

White House information officer Margie Graves says:

“With blockchain, the [White House] is exploring a whole range of forward-leaning capabilities that might be helpful to government.”

Friend, I believe the “blockchain revolution” will be disruptive… exciting… lucrative… and life-changing… for the country… for government… for industry…

And for you, too.

If you’ve been looking for a way into the crypto boom — but you’re not into coins —

So listen.

If you’re prepared to act quickly on the information I’m about to share with you, there’s an opportunity for you to potentially do something really special this year…

…something you typically only get one or two chances in your lifetime to do.

You have the chance — through a targeted investment in four tiny blockchain bonanza stocks I’ve discovered…

…to put yourself in front of what could be a colossal wave of money expected to flood into blockchain-related companies in 2018.

I believe this money will come from two sources:

  1. Huge, global companies in fear for their lives
  2. Rampant crypto speculators.

The first group consists of businesses who may have little choice but to switch over to this new technology — and spend a ton of cash in the process — or die.

Let me give you a sense of the kind of investment that’s coming from this first group alone…

According to data group Atlas, annual bank spending on blockchain tech has risen from virtually nothing in 2014… to more than $200 million by the end of last year.

It’s expected to rise by a further $100 million this year…

And by another $100 million in 2019.

If ever you needed a sign that banks are bricking themselves about the blockchain revolution right now — this chart is it:

But as I keep saying — this isn’t just about banks.

PricewaterhouseCoopers says well over $1.4 billion has been invested into blockchain tech globally — up to the end of 2017.

And get this:

A July 2017 study from UK firm Juniper Research claims that 57% of the world’s large corporations are…

" Either actively considering or in the process of deploying blockchain… ”

Let me just repeat that.

More than HALF of the world’s biggest companies are either:

  • A. Blockchain-enabled and ready to go…


  • B. Figuring out how to become blockchain-enabled fast.

Juniper’s study concludes:

“For start-ups in the blockchain space, this can only be good news…”

You bet your backside it’s “good news”

This potentially colossal wave of spending in small blockchain developers represents just the first part of the “blockchain bonanza” investment opportunity I’ve uncovered for you today.

The second part…

Well, this is where it could get REALLY
exciting for you
in the coming

…this is where you could get a quick moneymaking hit from this emergent boom.

I’m talking about the potential for…

A fervent, speculator-driven bull market in blockchain stocks in 2018…

Last year, a handful of investors made a crazy amount of money from blockchain’s first “killer app” — Bitcoin.

Bitcoin went up 1,286% in 2017 alone… fueled mainly by speculators.

Check it out:

A $1,000 investment in Bitcoin on January 1 last year would have turned into $13,860 by New Year’s Eve!

Now these SAME investors are looking
for their next “crypto fix”…

I believe investing in the “blockchain revolution” is that fix.

In addition to this group of rampant speculators, you have another group…

…the hundreds of thousands of investors who missed out on Bitcoin’s amazing 2017 run…

…or got in too late to make the really juicy gains…

They’re looking for a shot at the big money, too.

And they’re cashed up and ready to pounce.

What I’m saying is…

Any small company that has ANYTHING to do with blockchain tech could benefit from this “switchover” boom in the coming
weeks and months

This mania has already taken hold.

Look at this — it’s absolutely ridiculous…

This chart shows the share price of 360 Capital Management — a property investment and funds management group.

You can see the price is plodding along, doing nothing much whatsoever, until mid-October last year…

Then: BOOM!

The stock price TREBLES in SIX DAYS


I’ll tell you.

On October 4 — the day before that massive price spike you see there — 360 Capital Management changed its name…

…to 360 Blockchain.

That’s all that happened.

A name change.

And the stock went on a 428% tear… turning $1,000 into $4,280 in under a month.

Remember all those Bitcoin speculators looking for their next fix?

They’re chucking their money into stocks like this.

And this

2017 was just another regular year for Colorado-based biotech company Bioptix. Nothing much going on…

Until October 4.

That was the day Bioptix changed its name to Riot Blockchain

…and sucked in an instant hit of investor cash…

You’re looking at a nearly 125% jolt…
in just 24 HOURS

Imagine it: A grand invested on Monday morning… turns into $2,250 by the time you wake up on Tuesday.

Then there’s UK technology services firm On-line Plc.

Similar story throughout most of 2017… nothing much going on…

Then BANG!!

The stock jumps an almighty
394%… in a MORNING!


The day before, the company’s board announced plans to change the company name from On-line Plc.…

…to On-line Blockchain Plc.

That’s it… this one magic word… turns a $1,000 investment into as much as $4,940 inside of three hours!

And get this for the craziest example of all…

On December 21, the Long Island Iced Tea Corp.

A company that sells ICED TEA…

Rebranded as Long Blockchain Corp.

The next day, its shares jumped 200% at the opening… ending the day 183% ahead!

I just want to say again…

This company sells TEA!

Not only that, it’s a TINY business…

Long Blockchain Corp. only turns over around $5 million a year, according to FactSet.

So, let me ask you…

If crypto-speculator cash can hand a 200% stock boost to a company that isn’t even in the technology business…

…If it can treble the stock of another company that has virtually no revenue… but suddenly incorporates “blockchain” into its name and issues a press release…

What do you think might happen to small businesses currently developing ACTUAL blockchain solutions — when the
spotlight falls on them?

Well, if you’re quick, you should get the chance to find out…

I have pinpointed and personally vetted four such businesses to tell you about today.

All publicly traded companies…

All currently selling for PENNIES.

Yes, they are small stocks… and they do carry risk.

This strategy is definitely not “buy and hold for retirement”-type investing.

You may only hold these stocks for a short period of time before selling them on.

I’m talking about four potential lottery tickets in the blockchain investment BONANZA!

A $150 TRILLION global industry…
dominated by true penny stocks!

My name is Ray Blanco…

I’m the chief technology officer for Agora Financial.

We’re one of the largest fully independent market research organizations in the world today.

More people read our information each week, for example, than receive newspapers like The Washington Post or the Los Angeles Times.

What I do is simple…

I research the best new scientific ideas you can invest in… looking for incredible market catalysts that have the power to reward early investors with triple- and quadruple-digit gains.

And every month, I publish these incredible opportunities for my private readers through my investing research advisory called Technology Profits Confidential

Technology Profits Confidential is the only place in the entire world where I recommend tiny stocks that my research indicates could soar 500–1,000% or higher.

Granted, not all of my picks are guaranteed to go this high. My readers have still had the chance to see many impressive triple-digit gains.

And I can tell you — with 100% conviction — that the opportunity for early investors in what I’m calling the “blockchain stock bonanza” is truly unprecedented.

We’re talking about a global technological revolution that is happening right now… and the entire industry is currently dominated by small companies.

…dozens and dozens of TRUE penny stocks.

Now, I’ll be the first to concede that most penny stocks are garbage.

And as I mentioned, most blockchain companies are completely fake… and simply inserted the word BLOCKCHAIN into the company name to fool investors and drive up the price.

But if you’re avoiding ALL blockchain stocks, well…

You’re costing yourself tens of thousands… even millions of dollars!

Penny stocks are infinitely important to the global economic engine.

The world needs these small companies.

See, small companies are the foremost breeding ground for innovation.

Heck, some of the biggest companies on earth originated as tiny penny stocks.

Microsoft. Apple. Wal-Mart. Cisco.

All once penny stocks…

And they now add hundreds of billions of dollars to our economy.

They provide jobs to over a million people.

And believe me, tomorrow’s leaders in the blockchain revolution are companies that you can purchase today for just pocket change.

I’ve been carefully watching this burgeoning industry develop…

I’ve been waiting for the exact right time to get in.

And that time is NOW!

I’ve already done my research…

And I’ve already identified a number of blockchain stocks that have the capabilities of producing life-changing gains in the months ahead.

I’ll give you my exclusive list in just a second…

But first, let me show you the stringent appraisal system I’ve developed over the years for accurately predicting which penny stocks could be winners…

And which penny stocks (especially in the blockchain space) you should avoid at all costs.

Only the very best stocks get past
my filtering system

My appraisal system is modeled after the world-class auction house Sotheby’s.

Companies are treated exactly like they’re precious artifacts up for auction.

It’s the only means to truly keep your portfolio safe.

Every product launch is tracked for widespread consumer appeal.

Every dollar of revenue is cross-referenced for authenticity.

I treat every company no differently than, say… Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Hammer, which Bill Gates recently bought for $30.8 million.

Or a 300-year-old Stradivarius violin, which sold for $3.9 million.

Can you imagine sending these priceless assets to auction without verifying their authenticity?

So why should your investments be treated differently?

To date, however, of the more than 4,000 stocks out there…

Only a few dozen companies have met all five criteria points.

Said a different way, only about one in every 166 stocks that pass through my filtering system will be safe enough to recommend to my readers…

Which speaks to the rigors of my appraisal process.

Here, I don’t mind sharing my five-point appraisal checklist with you.

I’ll even include a few details about the first five criteria…

REQUIREMENT #1: Must Be Innovative.

It’s not enough for companies to solely rely on superior products that compete in existing or emerging markets.

They must offer a unique form of innovation… with a true visionary at the helm (like Steve Jobs or Lee Iacocca)…

And force the rest of the industry to play “catch up.”

REQUIREMENT #2: Must Defy the Industry Norm.

Companies concerned with conventional wisdom or the standard ways of conducting business need not apply.

And if they’re worried about competition?

They need not apply, either.

Only genuine innovators will pass and ultimately trigger a recommendation on my end.

Such companies reject the status quo — almost defiantly — in every instance.

This helps them passionately forge new ideas, innovations and business parameters in which to flourish.

REQUIREMENT #3: Must Offer a BETTER Product… at a CHEAPER Price.

The companies I recommend exclusively to Technology Profits Confidential readers almost always demonstrate an innate ability to deliver a better product than their competitors… and sell that product for much less money.

This is exactly how companies like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Uber and Intel dominated their respective industries.

Would you like a nice grass-fed T-bone steak… for half the price? Would you like a brand-new smartphone… for half the price?

Of course you would… so would I and everyone else in the entire marketplace. This is a principle called Moore’s law, and if a company plans to dominate their niche of the markets, this is an absolute “no-brainer.”

If a company can’t offer a top-quality product, at the lowest price possible, I can’t make a buy recommendation in good faith.

Most companies fail miserably here.

REQUIREMENT #4: Must Have Strong Financial Backing.

The amount of money a company was able to attract from private investors, pre-IPO, is infinitely important. The more money, the better.

Tons of financial backing from private investors is a surefire signal that the company is doing something extraordinary.

Think about it. Would venture capitalists put their faith (and capital) behind a mediocre idea? Never.

REQUIREMENT #5: Must Have an Urgent Catalyst.

A coming event or announcement can send a tiny stock through the roof.

Especially one trading for pennies a share.

Imagine owning a tiny pharmaceutical ahead of FDA drug approval.

Or a little software company before a major takeover.

Overnight gains on such news can far exceed a simple price double.

And that’s why the opportunity in blockchain technology is so compelling…

The ultimate catalyst is brewing right now…

And I fully expect many of these stocks to soar as blockchain technology begins disrupting global industries like banking, cybersecurity, real estate… and even the very essence of money itself.


Remember this — for the chance to make the most money possible, it’s crucial to invest NOW… before blockchain technology becomes a mainstream news story (like what happened with cryptocurrencies) and before the first of these tiny little penny stocks begin announcing first-quarter earnings.

Because already, in just the past few months, many of these penny blockchain stocks have seen their share prices surge by hundreds… even thousands of percentage points.

Stocks like:

  • Blockchain Industries Inc. (BCII)……………………......over 39,275%
  • UBI Blockchain Internet Ltd. (UBIA)……..………..........over 2,303%
  • Bitcoin Crypto Currency Exchange Corp. (ARSC)........over 6,066%
  • Social Reality Inc. (SRAX)…………….………………....over 535%
  • Bitcoin Investment Trust (GBTC)………………………..over 2,501%

And many, many more…

Of course, past performance shouldn’t be perceived as a guarantee of future success…

But make no mistake, this is just the beginning.

Because most of the blockchain technology stocks trade for PENNIES A SHARE.

If you take action right now, you can potentially turn a handful of $50 bills into an absolute windfall fortune.

But here’s the important thing to remember…

DO NOT rush to buy every
penny blockchain play out there…

Sure, you could go and buy every single company I just mentioned…

And you’d probably do better than the overall market.

But when it comes to growing rich in the markets, specific stock selection is KEY!

So here’s the deal…

I told you before that there are over 4,000 companies that trade on the stock market…

Roughly 50 of them are blockchain plays…

And I’ve run every single one of those 50 companies through my five-part filtering system…

And based on my stringent five-part assessment of the companies operating in the blockchain technology space, I’ve pinpointed exactly four penny blockchain stocks…

That have the potential to make you insanely wealthy.

Said a different way…

I’ve boiled down 4,000 plays…

Into 50 plays…

Then down to just four plays that are the very, very best ones that could make you money.

In other words, I’ve done all the research…

I’ve done all the grunt work…

And I’ve created a list of the top blockchain stocks you’d do well to own right now.

I’ll show you how to buy them…

When to buy them…

And what price to pay for them.

Everything has been made as easy as possible for you to maximize the profit potential.

And because these stocks are so small and unpredictable, I’ll also recommend a buy-up-to price, so my readers know not to chase these plays.

And let me tell you, the profits from this situation will be “off the hinges.”

To my knowledge, there’s no list of companies like this anywhere in the world.

You can’t buy a copy of this list, even if you tried to.


I’ve found a way to make the entire list available for immediate download, absolutely free of charge.

And I’ve gone one step further…

I’ve detailed each stock recommendation in a special report I’m calling Four Blockchain Bonanza Stocks to Explode in 2018 .

When you download your copy, I want you to immediately flip open to Page 2, where you’ll find…

  • My complete breakdown of a penny pot company that is currently working directly with the U.S. government.

    They’re doing MAJOR new work with artificial intelligence, finance and law enforcement to fight the terrorism funding and money laundering that occurs through Bitcoin.

    The list of clients and collaborators this tiny blockchain company has should NOT be ignored:

    • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security…
    • The U.S. Department of Justice…
    • The U.S. Treasury Department…
    • The U.S. Department of Defense…
    • The U.S. Secret Service…

    When the government takes interest in a company as tiny as this…

    You’re looking at rapid, explosive growth that can potentially turn a small stake into a massive, life-changing fortune many times over!

    And right now, you can stake a claim in this company for less than 60 cents!

    That’s because this incredible blockchain company is almost completely off the public radar…

    But I fully expect shares of this small company to start to skyrocket by 500% or more as blockchain moves into the mainstream.

    And I’ll tell you everything you need to know in my comprehensive report.

    But there’s more… much, much more.

You’ll also find:

  • The complete details of a company that aims to apply blockchain technology to the burgeoning marijuana markets!

    Through a joint venture, this Canadian-based marijuana company could be the first of its kind to provide the applications of blockchain technology to assure and validate the source, integrity and quality of products (similar to that of diamonds, art and wine, along with coffee and other food products).

    Since September, this small company has already produced over 620% gains for early investors…

    And given the fact that the marijuana industry is exploding right now (especially in Canada), this could be just the beginning.

  • There is another tiny firm that recently crossed my radar…

    This company, based in California, is in the business of acquiring lucrative patent rights.

    And they just acquired multiple blockchain technology patents…

    They recently popped for a 358% gain in a single week…

    But this company is still in the infancy stage of growth. I wouldn’t be shocked to see share prices skyrocket by 500% or more beginning as soon as May 5.

  • You’ll also get the full details on one of my favorite penny blockchain companies…

    Because of the small size of this company… and the unique angle they’ve taken with blockchain technology, I can’t go into much detail right now.

    However, I can tell you that they are looking to utilize blockchain technology in order to protect the IP of images registered to the system.

    As a result, photographers will be able to upload their images and get them securely watermarked using a cryptographic hash that will then be immortalized on the blockchain.

    That way, the system will allow photographers to sell their pictures or, at the very least, enforce against unauthorized use.

    Shares of this tiny biotech firm could skyrocket in as little as three months from now.

    And you’ll get a firsthand look in my newest report…

Get free access to my very best research

As I’ve shown you, the information you’ll receive through Technology Profits Confidential really could help you make a sizeable fortune from the upcoming blockchain stock bonanza!

But please, don’t mistake what I’m saying here…

I DON’T just focus on blockchain technology stocks…

Instead, I focus on all the tiny stocks that have the ability to make you a millionaire…

All you have to do is catch the wave of wealth before it begins.

My flagship publication ingeniously bridges the (mis)information gap between Main Street and Wall Street.

By subscribing today, you’ll join a small and exclusive group of folks that get instant access to my very best work…

Not only that, but I’ve prepared a special “welcome package” that could help you make enough money in penny stocks to shave 20 years off your retirement date.

So not only will you get my latest report, Four Blockchain Bonanza Stocks to Explode in 2018

But you’ll also get my entire Technology Profits Confidential Wealth-Building System…

For free.

“Invisible Power” Is Going to
Mint Millionaires

“Invisible power” isn’t sci-fi.

It’s very real…

And it’s also going to prove super lucrative if you know the right move to make.

Here’s the deal…

Famous scientist, engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla pioneered the idea of “invisible power,” but it wasn’t technologically possible during his lifetime.

Now, however, it’s poised to change everything about how we use, transmit and think about power.

And while I call it “invisible power,” you may know it as “wireless charging”…

Already all the big tech names are racing to make their electronics charge wirelessly…

Apple, Sony, Samsung…

They’re all in.

The fastest movers on “invisible power” will get seriously rich, and my report shows you all the details and gives you complete instructions for what to do if you want to jump in.

That’s why I’d also like you to have (for free, of course) my report called Invisible Power: From Tesla’s Lab to Your Home.

There’s 100% absolutely no bones about it…

If you want to get rich from budding technology, you simply must have your copy of Invisible Power: From Tesla’s Lab to Your Home.

Maybe You’ve Heard All the Hullabaloo
Lately About “Virtual Reality”

It goes without saying, you’ve never experienced anything quite like it.

In a digital world as real as day, you’re surrounded by a Cretaceous forest — face to face with a Tyrannosaurus rex — and an instant later, standing on an Everest peak.

Time magazine, the Financial Times, Fortune… they’ve all written and raved about the possibilities once we can interact inside of virtual worlds.

Samsung and Facebook have already invested billions.

Google’s already made a big move into this technology.

Even NASA’s lining up to gain an advantage.

What’s got me and my readers excited, though, is the 81,000% growth we could see in the market for virtual reality products and technology.

This could be a $30 billion-a-year business inside of four years.

And we don’t intend to miss it.

I’ve helped my Technology Profits Confidential readers nail down two companies that could absolutely soar as the virtual reality boom unfolds, including…

The company that’s responsible for building the powerful visual “guts” of the now-famous and highly sought-after Oculus virtual reality device from Facebook.

A second company with cutting-edge motion sensor technology, designed to make every virtual world experience as smooth and lifelike as reality.

Either of these could deliver staggering tech wealth to early investors. Both together could literally change your financial prospects for life.

You can read all about them in this next gift report I want to send, called The Two Hidden Companies Driving the Virtual Reality Revolution.

Here’s something else you’ll find exciting…

Tech Profit Alerts (Weekly)…

Throughout the year, I’ll send you weekly tech alerts, which are a means to keep you informed about the best opportunities in the tech markets…

I’ll also communicate all new additions to and subtractions from our model portfolio…

Along with any profit-taking instructions.

You’ll know what and when to buy…

You’ll know how much to buy it for…

You’ll know what and when to sell…

And you’ll know how much to sell it for…

So please keep your eye on your inbox.

You’re never alone in this venture.

Again, you’ll get everything I’m promising here as soon as you become a member of the Technology Profits Confidential community…

Get Technology Profits Confidential
for just 14 cents a day!

Subscribe to Technology Profits Confidential for one year for only $49.

That’s only 14 cents a day.

Dirt cheap for everything you get…

Look at all those bonuses!

In fact, as far as I can tell, this is the best offer I’ve ever made!

But if Technology Profits Confidential is so good, why am I practically giving it away?

Here’s the bare-naked, warts-and-all truth…

At $49 we risk losing money. To turn a profit, we need your repeat business.

That means giving you a superior newsletter… one you’re so thrilled with, you’ll stay with us year after year.

If you don’t, we go broke!

Remember, our research is 100% independent, so we’re not making any money on the side from crappy companies paying us to pump their stocks.

So it’s in my best interest to really over-deliver here. Something I’m confident I can do in every way.

That’s why Technology Profits Confidential is so cheap.

And that’s why I’m adding one last clincher to seal the deal for you…

Risk-free for an entire year!

When you subscribe to Technology Profits Confidential today, you do so completely risk-free for a full year.

So you have absolutely nothing to lose by acting right now!

Here’s my unbreakable promise to you…



Try Technology Profits Confidential risk-free for twelve (12) full months. If you find the research isn’t everything I’ve said and more, you’ll receive a prompt, hassle-free 100% refund. All you need to do is ask.

I’m sure you agree that’s a square deal.

If I don’t deliver, you don’t pay a cent (and you can keep every report AND every bonus you’ll receive).

But if I do deliver…

This time next year you could be drinking cocktails on a beach…

Forever free from the rat race and without a care in the world…

Simply because today, you made the decision to give Technology Profits Confidential a try.

With the unmatched profitability of penny stocks… you could ride the “blockchain stock bonanza” to instant wealth.

When you think about it like that, you simply have to respond to this offer right away.

There’s really no reason why you shouldn’t…

Here’s what to do now

Are you ready and willing to harness the wealth-generating power of blockchain technology?

Then I urge you to subscribe to Technology Profits Confidential today.

You do so risk-free for 12 full months.

This is your best shot at ultimate freedom.

Also, when you subscribe toTechnology Profits Confidential today, you’ll get instant access to all three FREE bonuses, yours to keep no matter what.

I’ll deliver your reports immediately, so there’s no waiting around.

Simply click the link below to get started…


Yours for Technology Profits Confidential,

Ray Blanco
Chief technology officer, Technology Profits Confidential
March 2018


Seven Figure Publishing

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